Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Assignment #2

1. Trim : Make (something) neat or of the required size or form by cutting away irregular or unwanted parts.
e.g. I want to have a hair trimmed.

2. Fancy : To want something or want to do something.

e.g. Do you fancy going out this evening?

3. Oops : Exclamation

e.g. Oops, I shouldn't have said that.

4. Adjustment : A small change made to something in order to correct or improve it.

e.g. I've made a few adjustments to the design.

5. Decent : a good enough standard or quality.

e.g. I need a decent night's sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Neat, Angel. But it seems you haven't posted your first assignment yet, the greeting post.
